201 Plants Compatible With Black Walnut Tree, Juglone

Black Walnut trees emit a toxic substance called Juglone that kills certain plants that grow near them [1]. However, not all plants are susceptible to Black Walnut Toxicity via Juglone poisoning. Knowing which plants can thrive along side Black Walnut trees is important to have a successful garden or flower bed.

By thoroughly researching University and Science Journal publications, I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of Plants tolerant of Black Walnut Trees. There are over 200 species of vegetables, flowers, and trees that are not harmed by Juglone, the poison that is emitted from Black Walnut tree roots.

The toxic Black Walnut substance, Juglone

black walnuts husk removed
Black Walnuts that have been husked.

Juglone has been documented as inhibiting, stunting, or damaging nearby plants for centuries. In fact the first record was nearly 2000 years ago, when Pliny the Elder noted that “The shadow of walnut trees is poison to all plants within its compass [3]“. In addition to harming transplants, Black Walnut Trees can prevent or inhibit the germination or harm seedlings of various species [2].

I’ve compiled a complete listing of all known plants that are sensitive to the Black Walnut Toxin Juglone based on researching universities, government and other journal publications. This list contains all documented vegetables, flowers, trees and shrubs that are impervious to Black Walnut toxin known as Juglone.

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Comprehensive List of Plants Tolerant of Black Walnut Trees

Vegetables that can grow near Black Walnut:

NumberCommon nameSpecies NameType
1BeansPhaseolus vulgarisVegetable
2BeetsBeta sppVegetable
3CarrotDaucus carotaVegetable
4ComZea maysVegetable
5MelonsCucumis sppVegetable
6OnionAllium sppVegetable
7ParsnipsPastinaca sativaVegetable
8SquashCucurbita sppVegetable
References – [2] [5], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11] BACK TO TOP

119 Flowers and Vines that can grow near Black Walnut:

NumberCommon nameSpecies NameType
1Actinida, bowerActinidia argutaVine
2AjugaAjugia pyramidalisFlower
3AlumrootHeuchera sp.Flower
4AnemoneAnemone sppFlower
5AsterSymphyotrichum sppFlower
6AstilbeAstilbe sppFlower
7Bee BalmMonarda sppFlower
8BegoniaBegonia sppFlower
9BellflowerCampanula latifoliaFlower
10BellwortUvalaria sp.Flower
11Big BluestemAndropogon gerardiGrass
12Big-leaved AsterEurybia macrophyllaFlower
13BittersweetCelastrus scandensVine
14Black Eyed SusanRudbeckia hirtaFlower
15Black RaspberryRubus occidentalisShrub
16Bleeding HeartLamprocapnos spectabilisFlower
17BloodrootSanguinaria canadensisFlower
18Blue GramaBouteloua gracilisGrass
19Bluegrass, KentuckyPoa pratensisGrass
20BugleweedAjuga reptansFlower
21CalendulaCalendula officinalisFlower
22Cardinal FlowerLobelia cardinalisFlower
23ChickweedStellaria mediaFlower
24Christmas RoseHelleborus sppFlower
25ClematisClematis occidentalisFlower
26Coral bellsHeucheraFlower
27CranesbillGeranium sppFlower
28Creeping Charlie (ground ivy)Glechoma hederaceaVine
29CrocusCrocus sppFlower
30CurrantsRibes sppVine
31CyclamenCyclamen persicumFlower
32DaffodilNarcissus SppFlower
33DandelionTaraxacum officinaleFlower
35Dog’s Tooth VioletErythronium sppFlower
36Dutchman’s BreechesDicentra cucullariaFlower
37EpimediumEpimedium sppFlower
38Evening PrimroseOenotheraFlower
39False Solomon’s SealMaianthemum racemosumFlower
40Fern, ChristmasPolystichum sp.Flower
41Fern, ladyBulbinopsis bulbosaFlower
42FernsTracheophyta sppFlower
43FescueFestuca sp.Grass
44Garden PhloxPhlox paniculataFlower
45GentianGentiana sppFlower
46GlobeflowerTrollius sppFlower
47Glory of the SnowChionodoxa lucilaeFlower
48Grape HyacinthMuscari sppFlower
49Grass, orchardDactylis glomerataGrass
50Grass, redtop…Agrostis giganteaGrass
52HostaHosta sp.Flower
53Hydrangea, wildHydrangea sp.Flower
54IrisIris germanicaFlower
56Jack in the PulpitArisaema triphyllumFlower
57Jacob’s LadderPolemonium caeruleumFlower
58Joe Pye WeedEurohicumFlower
59Lamb’s EarStachys byzantinaFlower
60Leopard’s BaneDoronicum orientaleFlower
61LiriopeLiriope sp.Flower
62Little BluestemSchizachyrium scopariumGrass
63LobeliaLobelia sppFlower
64LungwortPulmonaria sppFlower
66May ApplePodophyllumFlower
67MeadowrueThalictrum sppFlower
68Morning GloryIpomoeaFlower
69NightshadeSolanym aviculareVine
70Orange HawkweedHieracium auranticumFlower
71Ostrich FernMaltcuria struthiopterisFlower
72PachysandraPachysandra sp.Flower
73PansyViola tricolorFlower
74ParsnipPastinaca sativaFlower
75Periwinkle (myrtle)Vinca minorFlower
76Phlox(s)Phlox sppFlower
77Poison IvyRhus radicansVine
78PrimrosePrimula vulgarisFlower
79Purple ConeflowerEchinacea sppFlower
81SedgesCarex sppGrass
82Shasta DaisyLeucanthemum superbumFlower
83Side-oats gramaBouteloua curtipendulaGrass
85Solomon’s SealPolygonatumFlower
86Speedwell, creepingVeronica filiformisFlower
88Spring BeautyClaytonia virginicaFlower
89St. John’s wortHypericum PyramidatumFlower
90StonecropSedum sppFlower
91SundropsOenothera fruticosaFlower
92SunflowerHelianthus sppFlower
93Sweet WoodruffGalium odoratumFlower
94ThimbleweedAnemone virginianaFlower
95TimothyPhleum pratenseGrass
96ToothwortLathraea squamariaFlower
97TrilliumTrillium sppFlower
99VioletsViola sppFlower
100Virginia BluebellsMertensia virginicaFlower
101Virginia CreeperParthenocissus quinquefoliaVine
102WheatTriticum sp.Grass
103White CloverTrifolium repensFlower
104Wild BergamotMonarda FistulosaFlower
105Wild GeraniumGeranium maculatumFlower
106Wild GingerAsarumFlower
107Wild Grape (Vitis)Vitis viniferaVine
108Wild HyacinthCamassia sppFlower
109Wild LeekAllium trioccumFlower
110Wild RosesRosa sppFlower
111Winter AconiteEranthis hyemalisFlower
112Wood Sorel, creepingOxalis corniculataFlower
113YarrowAchillea millefoliumFlower
114Zig-zag GoldenrodSolidago FlexicaulisFlower
115ZinniaZinnia sppFlower
116Orange JewelweedImpatiens CapensisFlower
117Yellow JewelweedImpatiens PallidaFlower
118Blue LobeliaLobelia spFlower
119Pale Purple ConeflowerEchinacea pallidaFlower
References – [7], [8], [9], [10], [11] BACK TO TOP

List of 74 Trees and Shrubs that can grow near Black Walnut

NumberCommon nameSpecies NameType
1American HollyIlex sppShrub
2ApricotsPrunus sppShrub
3Arborvitae** Thuja occidentalisShrub
4BarberryBerberis sppShrub
5Black ElderberrySambucus nigraShrub
6Blackhawk ViburnumViburnum prunifoliumShrub
7CherryPrunus sppShrub
8CurrentRibes sppShrub
9DaphneDaphne sppShrub
10DogwoodCornus alternifoliaShrub
11Flowering DogwoodCornus floridaShrub
12ForsythiaForsythia vahlShrub
14HazelnutCorylus americanaShrub
15HibiscusHibiscus sppShrub
16JuniperJuniperus sppShrub
17LilacSyringa sppShrub
18Maple-leaved ViburnumViburnum acerifoliaShrub
19MockorangePhiladelphus sppShrub
20NinebarkPhysocarpus opulifoliusShrub
21Ohio BuckeyeAesculus glabraShrub
22PearsPyrus sppShrub
23PersimmonDiospyros virginianaShrub
24Pinxterbloom AzaleaRhododendron periclymenoidesShrub
25PlumPrunus sppShrub
26QuinceCydonia oblongataShrub
27Red ElderberrySambucus racemosaShrub
28RoseRosa sppShrub
29Rose of SharonHibiscus syriacusShrub
30SassafrassSassafras albidumShrub
31Service BerryAmelanchier sppShrub
32Smooth SumacRhus glabraShrub
33SpicebushLindera benzoinShrub
34Staghorn SumacRhus typhinaShrub
35SumacRhus sppShrub
36Sumac, Winged SumacRhus copallinaShrub
37Witch HazelHamamelis virginianaShrub
38American BeechFagus grandifoliaTree
39American ElmUlmus americanaTree
40American HazelnutCorylus americanaTree
41Bitternut HickoryCarya cordiformisTree
42Black BirchBetula lentaTree
43Black CherryPrunus serotinaTree
44Black Gum / TupeloNyssa sylvaticaTree
45Black LocustRobinia pseudoacaciaTree
46BoxelderAcer negundoTree
47Canadian HemlockTsuga canadensisTree
48Carolina SilverbellHalesia carolinaTree
49CatalpaCatalpa bignonioidesTree
50DogwoodCornus sppTree
51Eastern Redbud TreeCercis canadensisTree
52Fringe treeChionanthus wirginicusTree
53Golden rain treeKoelreuteria paniculataTree
55Honey LocustGleditsia triacanthosTree
56Maple, Black MapleAcer nigrumTree
57Maple, Red MapleAcer rubrumTree
58Maple, Sugar MapleAcer saccharumTree
59NectarinePrunus persica nucipersicaTree
60OakQuercus sppTree
61Pagoda DogwoodCornus alternifoliaTree
62PawpawAsimina trilobaTree
63PeachPrunus persicaTree
64Pignut HickoryCarya glabraTree
65PlumPrunus sppTree
66Red CedarJuniperus virginianaTree
67Red OakQuercus rubraTree
68Shagbark HickoryCarya OvataTree
69SweetgumLiquidambear styracifuaTree
70SycamorePlatanus occidentalisTree
71Tulip Tree / PoplarLiriodendron tulipiferaTree
72Virginia PinePinus virginianaTree
73White AshFraxinus americanaTree
74White OakQuercus albaTree
References – [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]. BACK TO TOP

What plants die from growing near Black Walnut Trees?

There are over 40 different species that die from growing near Black Walnut Trees. These plants are all sensitive to Juglone, and should not be planted near a Black Walnut Tree. You can read the full listing of plants sensitive to Juglone here.

Learn More About Black Walnut Trees


[1] – J. Chem. Educ. 1973, 50, 11, 782. Publication Date:November 1, 1973. https://doi.org/10.1021/ed050p782

[2] – I. Kocacë Aliskan & I. Terzi (2001) Allelopathic effects of walnut leaf extracts and juglone on seed germination and seedling growth, The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 76:4, 436-440, DOI: 10.1080/14620316.2001.11511390

[3] – Pliny the Elder, AD23-79. https://extension.illinois.edu/blogs/garden-scoop/2018-08-23-black-walnut

[4] – KUO-CHUAN LEE. NATURE AND OCCURRENCE OF JUGLONE IN JUGLANS NIGRA L. MS Thesis, Department of Horticulture. Kansas State University. 1967

[5] – I. Terzi. Allelopathic effects of Juglone and decomposed walnut leaf juice on muskmelon and cucumber seed germination and seedling growth. 2008. African Journal of Biotechnology. Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Dumlupınar University, Kütahya, Turkey

[6] – Michaela Achatz. Matthias C.Rillig. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal hyphae enhance transport of the allelochemical juglone in the field. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Volume 78, November 2014, Pages 76-82

[7] – Walnut Toxicity. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS, Ontario Canada. Retrieved 29OCT2020. http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/info_walnut_toxicity.htm

[8] – Plants tolerant of black walnut toxicity. Morton Arboretum. Retrieved 29OCT2020. https://www.mortonarb.org/trees-plants/tree-and-plant-advice/horticulture-care/plants-tolerant-black-walnut-toxicity

[9] – Toxic Plant Profile. University of Maryland. Retrieved 29OCT2020. https://extension.umd.edu/learn/toxic-plant-profile-black-walnut

[10] – Black Walnut: The Killer Tree. Iowa State University Extension. Retrieved 29OCT2020. https://www.extension.iastate.edu/news/2005/jul/070701.htm

[11] – Brown, Diane. Growing vegetable gardens near black walnut trees. Michigan State University Extension. Retrieved 29OCT2020. https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/growing_vegetable_gardens_near_black_walnut_trees

Joe Foster

Hi - I grew up outdoors in nature - hiking, fishing, hunting. In high school I got my first job at a garden center where I learned to garden and landscape. I've been growing plants from seed and designing native plant gardens for over 10 years. I hope to share some of my knowledge with you! You may have seen some of my videos I create on our YouTube channel, GrowitBuildit (more than 10 million views!). You can find my channel here: https://youtube.com/@growitbuildit Additionally I am a wood worker / DIY enthusiast. I enjoy designing/building projects (with hand tools when I can!). I hope to give you some tips and useful information!

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