Composting is one of the single best thing every homeowner can do to better their yard, garden, soil, and help the planet by reducing landfill space and lowering their carbon footprint. Every...
Category: Compost
Composting is often thought of as a summertime, or at least warm temperature activity. And as compost being one of the most valuable soil amendments, it is a common concern to new gardeners as to...
A steaming pile of compost. My backyard. When constructing a new compost pile we as gardeners can be very anxious for it's temperature to rise and for the pile to get hot. And, if you are new to...
You can hot compost in winter by making your piles much larger and using alternative green materials. Also, reducing the turning frequency to no more than once per week. And finally we can keep the...
In this guide I summarize the research and show you what temperature limits and durations are required to kill weed seeds.
Shrimp shells can be composted in regular backyard compost piles or bins. They are rich in Nitrogen, and should be considered a green material. In addition to being quick to decompose, the materials...