Start A Native Plant Garden From Scratch
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The Butterfly Bush is one of the most popular flowering shrubs in suburban landscapes, and it is easy to see why. It has a long bloom period of showy flowers. These flowers produce lots of nectar...
8 Native Plants To Support Monarch Butterflies (That aren’t milkweed)
The relationship between the Monarch Butterfly and Milkweed is famous. Almost anyone you talk to, whether it's a stranger or friend is aware of the fact that Monarchs depend on Milkweed for their...
One of the best tools a frugal woodworker can own is a scrub plane. No other tool can do the job of flattening a board for so little up-front cost. And while owning hand planes isn't that common...
Ok - so one characteristic most of us can admire in a flower is a sweet smelling flower. Well, I decided to compile this rather large list of fragrant natives that you can add to your garden. It is...
Japanese Stiltgrass – An Introduction To A Horrible Invasive Plant
If you're reading this, then it is likely that you have just discovered Japanese Stiltgrass. Perhaps you found it through a plant identification app, or discovered an infestation in your...
The common dandelion is one of the most prolific plants in the world, being present on six of seven continents as well as all 50 states! And if you have a lawn or grassy area, it is likely that...